
A collection of UX case studies and projects

Paradigm Tax Group

User Research, UX Strategy, Wireframing, Prototyping, User Testing, Design

And end-to-end dashboard solution, highly customized and tailored views for varoius user roles.


User Research, UX Strategy, Wireframing, Prototyping. User Testing, Design

Research driven redesign for the world’s most advanced online assessment platforman.


UX Strategy, Wireframing, Prototyping. Design System

Research driven redesign for the world’s most advanced online assessment platforman.

FedEx Office

UX Strategy, Prototyping, Prototyping. Design System, Product Design

Fedex Office catalog management tool for consumer and business applications.


UX Strategy, Prototyping, Prototyping. Design System, Product Design

Fedex Office catalog management tool for consumer and business applications.


UX Strategy, Branding, Prototyping. Design System, Product Design

The worlds first vendor relationship management platform.


UX Strategy, Prototyping. Design System, Product Design, Marketing Design

Assisted with rebranding efforts, and design system creation and integration.